• I.P.: Gian Luca Giorgi, Roberta Zambrini
  • Partners: Institute of Physics, Zagreb, IFISC UIB, Universität des Saarlandes, ETH Zurich, and Aalto University
  • Pàgina web: https://quantera.eu/qnet/
  • Data d'inici: 31 de juliol de 2024
  • Data de finalització: 30 de juliol de 2027

QNet is a European project funded under the call Quantera 2023. The consortium is coordinated by Ticijana Ban from the Institute of Physics, Zagreb, and is also composed of IFISC, Universität des Saarlandes, ETH Zurich, and Aalto University.

The goal of QNet is to provide concepts and methods for manipulating quantum information, where fault-tolerant performance is
assisted or even boosted by noise and dissipation. For this purpose, QNet will assess the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of a quantum network with long-range interactions in the presence and as a function of noise, with a specific focus on applications to quantum associative memories and quantum reservoir computing. QNet joins world-leading theory and experimental scientists with expertise including quantum optics, condensed matter, quantum information, and quantum thermodynamics.


  • Eliana Fiorelli

    Eliana Fiorelli

  • Adrià Labay

    Adrià Labay

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