This project is an ERC Starting Grant of panel SH2, "Institutions, Values, Environment and Space". Air transport has by and large been studied as a transportation process, in which different elements, e.g. ...
Magnetic topological insulators (MTIs) display a fascinating interplay between magnetic order and topologically nontrivial band structures. In the MAGMA project (“Magnetic topological insulators for robust Majorana bound states”), which is funded by ...
Following the non-achievement of the AICHI targets and most of the Good Environmental Status objectives for 2020, active restoration has been emerged (also envisaged by the EU) as one of the preferred ...
CoQHoNet is a Marie Curie European Postdoctoral Fellowships, which allows the hiring of Dr. Eliana Fiorelli to execute the following research project: Classical Neural Networks (NNs) are architectures successfully employed in Machine ...
The assessment of the economic health of economies around the world has historically been based on reports prepared by multiple public and private institutions – from banks to governments. These describe how ...
The FAIR principles provide a framework for enabling proper access and reusability of scientific data, and implementing them is a key goal of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). However, providing access ...
Hybrid is a proposal for carrying out a PhD research within the Engage2 project associated to SESAR. This is a cascade funding structure in which the SESAR Horizon Europe program with the ...
The NEHIL project, an EU-Korea partnership, is set to transform the landscape of digital technologies through groundbreaking neuromorphic architectures and advanced heterogeneous integration such as LiDAR systems. This collaborative initiative aims to ...
The modern information and communication technology (ICT) world is ruled by an exploding generation of data due to growth of Internet applications and skyrocketing proliferation of a number of interconnected on-line broadband ...
Cities and metropolitan areas must confront the challenges of rapidly increasing urbanization and mobility needs, including the emergence of new transport solutions (e.g., individual electric devices, shared transport, mobility-as-a- services applications, etc.). ...
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