Secondary frequency control stabilising voltage dynamics
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Secondary frequency control stabilising voltage dynamics
Tchawou Tchuisseu, Eder Batista; Dongmo, Eric Donald; Procházka, Pavel; Woafo, Paul; Colet, Pere; Schäfer, Benjamin
European Journal of Applied Mathematics , 1-17 (2023)
The ongoing energy transition challenges the stability of the electrical power system. Stable oper ation of the electrical power grid requires both the voltage (amplitude) and the frequency to stay within operational bounds. While much research has focused on frequency dynamics and stability, the voltage dynamics has been neglected. Here, we study frequency and voltage stability in the case of simple networks via linear stability and bulk analysis. In particular, our linear stability analysis of the network shows that the frequency secondary control guarantees the stability of a particular electric network. Even more interesting, while we only consider secondary frequency control, we observe a stabilising effect on the voltage dynamics, especially in our numerical bulk analysis.
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