
Transport Properties for Random Walks in Disordered One-Dimensional Media: Perturbative Calculation around the Effective Medium Approximation

Hernández-García, E.; Rodríguez, M. A.; Pesquera, L.; San Miguel, M.
Phys. Rev. B 42, 10653-10672 (1990)

Path Integral Approach to the Colored Noise Problem

San Miguel, M.; Colet, P.; Wio, H. S.; Pesquera, L.; Rodríguez, M. A.
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Characterizing Strong Disorder by the Divergence of a Diffusion Time

Hernández-García, E.; Cáceres, M. O.; San Miguel, M.
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Transient Pattern in Nematics: Domain Wall Dynamics

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Basic Concepts of Phase Transformations

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Competition between Evaporation and Fission: Stochastic Aspects

Wio, H. S.; San Miguel, M.; Rodríguez, R. F.
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Dynamics of Pattern Formation in the Turing Optical instability

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Dynamics of Sweeping through an Instability: Passage Time Statistics for Colored Noise

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Instabilities in Nonautonomous Systems

San Miguel, M.
Nonequilibrium Structures II, Ed. E. Tirapegui and D. Villarroel, Kluwer, 285-290 (1989)

Passage Times for the Decay of an Unstable State Triggered by Colored Noise

Sancho, J. M.; San Miguel, M.
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Colored Noise: A Perspective from a Path-Integral Formalism

Colet, P.; Wio, H. S.; San Miguel, M.
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Diffusion in Random Chains: Perturbative Expansion around the Effective Medium Approximation

Rodríguez, M. A.; Hernández-García, E.; Pesquera, L.; San Miguel, M.
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Fluctuations and Symmetry Restoring in the Turing Optical Instability

Rodríguez, R. F.; San Miguel, M.; Sancho, J. M.
Dynamics of Nonlinear Optical Systems, Eds. J. Bermejo and L. Pesquera, World Scientific, 262-267 (1989)

Gain Noise in Dye Lasers

Hernández-García, E.; San Miguel, M.; Toral, R.; Aguado, M.
Coherence and Quantum Optics VI, Eds. J. H. Eberly, L. Mandel and E. Wolf, Plenum Press, 483-488 (1989)

Gain Noise in Dye Lasers: Intensity Fluctuations and Correlation Functions

Hernández-García, E.; Aguado, M.; San Miguel, M.
Dynamics of Nonlinear Optical Systems, Eds. J. Bermejo and L. Pesquera, World Scientific, 285-290 (1989)

Langevin Equations with Colored Noise (Review paper)

Sancho, J. M.; San Miguel, M.
Noise in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Eds. P. McClintock and F. Moss, Cambridge University Press, 72-109 (1989)

Path Integral Formulation for Stochastic Processes Driven by Colored Noise

Wio, H. S.; Colet, P.; San Miguel, M. Pesquera, L.; Rodríguez, M. A.
Phys. Rev. A 40, 7312-7324 (1989)

Random Walk in Dynamically Disordered Chains: Poisson White Noise Disorder

Hernández-García, E.; Pesquera, L.; Rodríguez, M.; San Miguel, M.
Journal of Statistical Physics 55, 1027-1052 (1989)

Relaxation from a marginal state in optical bistability

Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.; Casademunt, J.; Sancho, J.M.
Physical Review A 39, 149-156 (1989)

Scaling Theory for the Relaxation Near Marginality in Optical Bistability

Colet, P.; Casademunt, J.; San Miguel, M.; Sancho, J. M.
Dynamics of Nonlinear Optical Systems, Eds. J. Bermejo and L. Pesquera, World Scientific, 268-272 (1989)

Dynamic Disorder, Renewal and Anamolous Diffusion

Hernández-García, E.; Rodríguez, M. A.; San Miguel, M.
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The Dynamics of First Order Phase Transitions

Gunton, J.D; San Miguel, M.; Sahni, P.S.
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