
On the shape of semantic space - what can we infer from large-scale statistical properties of texts?

Czegel,Daniel (Supervisor: Maxi San Miguel)
Master Thesis (2017)

Opinion competition dynamics on multiplex networks

Amato, Roberta; Kouvaris, Nikos; San Miguel, Maxi; Díaz-Guilera, Albert
New Journal of Physics 19, 123019 (2017)

Language choice in a multilingual society: A view from Complexity Theory

San Miguel, Maxi; Loureiro-Porto, Lucia
Complexity in language: Developmental and evolutionary perspectives, Eds. Salikoko Mufwene, C. Coupe and F. Pellegrino, Cambridge University Press, 187-217 (2017)

Dynamics on networks: competition of temporal and topological correlations

Artime, Oriol; Ramasco, José J.; San Miguel, Maxi
Scientific Reports 7, 41627 (2017)

Layered social influence promotes multiculturality in the Axelrod model

Battiston, Federico; Nicosia, Vicenzo; Latora, Vito; San Miguel, Maxi
Scientific Reports 7, 1809 (2017)

Individual-based models of collective dynamics in socio-economic systems

Carro, Adrián (Supervisors: Toral, Raúl; San Miguel, Maxi)
PhD Thesis , (2016)

Coupled dynamics of node and link states in complex networks: A model for language competition

Carro, Adrián; Toral, Raúl; San Miguel, Maxi
New Journal of Physics 18, 113056 (2016)

Competition of simple and complex adoption on interdependent networks

Czaplicka,Agnieszka; Toral,Raúl; San Miguel, Maxi;
Phys. Rev. E 94, 062301 (2016)

The noisy voter model on complex networks

Carro, Adrián; Toral, Raúl; San Miguel, Maxi
Scientific Reports 6, 24775 (2016)

Dynamical origins of the community structure of an online multi-layer society

Klimek, Peter; Diakonova, Marina; Eguiluz, Victor M.; San Miguel, Maxi; Thurner, Stefan
New Journal of Physics 18, 083045 (2016)

Rescue of endemic states in interconnected networks with adaptive coupling

Vazquez,Federico;Serrano, M. Angeles; San Miguel, Maxi
Scientific Reports 6, 29342 (2016)

Irreducibility of multilayer network dynamics

Diakonova, Marina; Nicosia, Vincenzo; Latora, Vito; San Miguel, Maxi
New Journal of Physics 18, 023010 (2016)

Comparing and modeling land use organization in cities

Lenormand, M; Cantú-Ros, OG; Picornell, M;Louail, T; Herranz, R;Barthelemy, M;Frías-Martínez, E; San Miguel, M; Ramasco, JJ
Royal Society Open Science 2, 150449 (2015)

Markets, herding and response to external information

Carro, Adrián; Toral, Raúl; San Miguel, Maxi
PLOS ONE 10, e0133287 (2015)

Influence of sociodemographic characteristics on human mobility

Lenormand, Maxime ; Louail, T; Cantu-Ros, O G; Picornell, M; R Herranz, R; Murillo Arias, J ; Barthelemy, M; San Miguel, Maxi; Ramasco, Jose J
Scientific Reports 5, 10075 (2015)

Learning and coordinating in a multilayer network

Lugo, Haydee; San Miguel, Maxi
Scientific Reports 5, 7776 (2015)

Noise in Coevolving Networks

Diakonova, Marina; Eguiluz, Victor M.; San Miguel, Maxi
Physical Review E 92, 032803 (2015)

Master Thesis: Time Series Analysis of Online Social Media

Artime, Oriol (M. San Miguel; JJ Ramasco)
Master Thesis (2014)

Social imitation vs strategic choice, or consensus vs cooperation in the networked Prisoner’s Dilemma

Vilone, Daniele; Ramasco, Jose J.; Sanchez, Angel; San Miguel, Maxi
Physical Review E 90, 022810 (2014)

Is the Voter Model a model for voters?

Fernandez-Gracia, J; Suchecki, K; Ramasco, JJ; San Miguel, M; Eguiluz, VM
Physical Review Letters 112, 158701 (2014)

Fragmentation transition in a coevolving network with link-state dynamics

Carro, Adrian; Vazquez, Federico; Toral, Raul; San Miguel, Maxi
Physical Review E 89, 062802 (2014)

Absorbing and Shattered Fragmentation Transitions in Multilayer Coevolution

Diakonova, Marina; San Miguel, Maxi; Eguiluz, Victor
Physical Review E 89, 062818 (2014)

From mechanisms to data-inspired modeling of collective social phenomena

Fernández Gracia, Juan (Supervisors: San Miguel, Maxi and Eguíluz, Víctor M.)
PhD Thesis (2014)

Localized coherence in two interacting populations of social agents

Gonzalez-Avella, J.C.; Cosenza, M.G.: San Miguel, M
Physica A 399, 24-30 (2014)

Agent-based models of language competition

Castello, Xavier; Loureiro-Porto, Lucia; San Miguel, Maxi
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 221, 21-51 (2013)

The Role of Noise and Initial Conditions in the Asymptotic Solution of a Bounded Confidence, Continuous-Opinion Model

Carro, Adrián; Toral, Raúl; San Miguel, Maxi
Journal of Statistical Physics 151, 131-149 (2013)

Opinions, Conflicts and Consensus: Modeling Social Dynamics in a Collaborative Environment

Török, János; Iñiguez, Gerardo; Yasseri, Taha; San Miguel, Maxi ; Kaski, Kimmo; Kertész, János
Physical Review Letters 110, 088701 (1-5) (2013)

Timing interactions in social simulations: The voter model

Fernández-Gracia, Juan; M. Eguíluz, Víctor; San Miguel, Maxi
Temporal networks (Edited by Holme, P. and Saramäki, J.), Springer, 331-352 (2013)

Dynamics of link states in complex networks: The case of a majority rule

Fernández-Gracia, J.; Castelló, X.; Eguíluz, V.M.; San Miguel , M.
Physical Review E 86, 066113 (1-8) (2012)

A model for cross-cultural reciprocal interactions through mass media

Gonzalez-Avella, J.C.; Cosenza, M.G.; San Miguel, M.
PLOS ONE 7, e51035 (2012)

Big Science and Big Administration

Smart, J.; Scott, M.; McCarthy, J.B.; Tan, K. T.; Argyrakis, P.; Bishop, R.; Havlin, S.; San Miguel, M.; Stauffacher, D.
European Physical Journal Special Topics 214, 635-666 (2012)

Manifesto of Computational Social Science

Conte, R.; Gilbert, N.; Bonelli, G.; Cioffi-Revilla, C.; Deffuant, G., Kertesz, K.; Loretto, V., Nadal, J.P.; Sanchez, A.; Nowak, A.; Flache, A.; San Miguel, M.; Helbing, D.
European Physical Journal Special Topics 214, 325–346 (2012)

Social and strategic imitation: the way to consensus

Vilone, Daniele; Ramasco, José J.; Sánchez, Angel; San Miguel, Maxi
Scientific Reports 2, 686 (2012)

Resistance to Learning and the Evolution of Cooperation

Jimenez, R.; Lugo, H.; San Miguel, M.
Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (edited by Norbert M. Seel), Springer, 2848-2849 (2012)

Modeling two-language competition dynamics

Patriarca, M.; Castelló, X.; Uriarte, J.R.; Eguíluz, V.M.; San Miguel, M.
Advances in Complex Systems 15, 1250048 (2012)

Fenómenos Colectivos Sociales

San Miguel, Maxi
Revista Española de Fisica 26, 56-63 (2012)

Challenges in Complex Systems Science

San Miguel, Maxi; Johnson, Jeffrey H.; Kertesz, Janos; Kaski, Kimmo; Díaz-Guilera, Albert; MacKay, Robert S.; Loreto, Vittorio; Erdi, Peter; Helbing, Dirk
European Physical Journal Special Topics 214, 245-271 (2012)

A measure of individual role in collective dynamics

Klemm, Konstantin; Serrano, M. Angeles; Eguiluz, Victor M.; San Miguel, Maxi
Scientific Reports 2, 292 (2012)

Update rules and interevent time distributions: Slow ordering vs. no ordering in the Voter Model

Fernández-Gracia, Juan; Eguíluz, Víctor M.; San Miguel, Maxi
Physical Review E 84, 015103 (2011)

Threshold learning dynamics in social networks

González-Avella, Juan Carlos; Eguíluz, Victor M; Marsili, Matteo; Vega-Redondo, Fernando; San Miguel, Maxi
PLoS ONE 6(5), e20207 (2011)

Updating rules and the voter model

Fernández-Gracia, Juan (Supervisors San Miguel, Maxi and Eguíluz,Víctor M.)
Master Thesis (2011)

Viability and Resilience in the Dynamics of Language Competition

Castelló, Xavier; Vazquez, Federico; Eguíluz, Víctor M.; Loureiro-Porto, Lucía; San Miguel, Maxi; Chapel, Laetitia; Deffuant, Guilaume
Viability and Resilience of Complex Systems. Concepts, Methods and Case Studies from Ecology and Society. G. Deffuant and N. Gilbert, eds., Springer, 39-74 (2011)

Coevolution and local versus global interactions in collective dynamics of opinion formation, cultural dissemination and social learning

González-Avella Juan Carlos (Supervisors: M. San Miguel and V.M. Eguiluz)
PhD Thesis , (2010)

Collective phenomena in social dynamics: consensus problems, ordering dynamics and language competition

Castelló, Xavier (Directors: M. San Miguel and V. M. Eguíluz)
PhD Thesis (2010)

Agent Based Models of Language Competition: Macroscopic descriptions and Order-Disorder transitions

Vazquez, Federico; Castello, Xavi; San Miguel, Maxi
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2010, P04007 (2010)

The independent and interactive effects of tree-tree establishment competition and fire on savanna structure and dynamics

Calabrese, Justin; Vazquez, Federico; López, Cristóbal; San Miguel, Maxi; Grimm, Volker
The American Naturalist 175, E44-E65 (2010)

Spontaneous ordering against an external field in nonequilibrium systems

J. C. González-Avella, M.G. Cosenza, V.M. Eguíluz and M. San Miguel
New Journal of Physics 12, 013010 (2010)

Viability and Resilience of Languages in Competition

Chapel, L.; Castelló, X.; Bernard, C.; Deffuant, G.; Eguíluz, V.M.; Martin, S.; San Miguel, M.
PloS ONE 5 (1), e8681 (2010)

Problems of Social Consensus: Voting , Language, Culture...

Maxi San Miguel
, Actar and Arts Santa Mònica (2009)

Conservation laws for voter-like models on random directed networks

Serrano, M. Ángeles; Klemm, Konstantin; Vazquez, Federico; Eguíluz, Victor M.; San Miguel, Maxi
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment , P10024 (2009)

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