Effects of tilting the magnetic field in one-dimensional Majorana nanowires

Osca, Javier; Ruiz, Daniel; Serra, Llorenç
Physical Review B 89, 245405 (2014)

We investigate the effects that a tilting of the magnetic field from the parallel direction has on the states of a 1D Majorana nanowire. Particularly, we focus on the conditions for the existence of Majorana zero modes, uncovering an analytical relation (the sine rule) between the field orientation relative to the wire, its magnitude and the superconducting parameter of the material. The study is then extended to junctions of nanowires, treated as magnetically inhomogeneous straight nanowires composed of two homogeneous arms. It is shown that their spectrum can be explained in terms of the spectra of two independent arms. Finally, we investigate how the localization of the Majorana mode is transferred from the magnetic interface at the corner of the junction to the end of the nanowire when increasing the arm length.

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