Michael Moskalets

Mykhailo Moskalets
  • Campus Universitat de les Illes Balears
    E-07122 Palma de Mallorca. Spain
  • Oficina S06
  • +34 971 25 98 29
  • Contact
  • Supervisor: David Sánchez

Mykhailo Moskalets holds a position at IFISC from the CSIC Scientific Cooperation Program through Grant No.\ UCRAN20029. His research line covers the topics of quantum thermodynamics, quantum coherent electronics (aka electron quantum optics), heated quantum, quantum heat, quantum pumping, etc.

In addition to science, before the war is over, his main interests also include helping Ukraine: Please, Support Ukraine! 

My home page at Google is here.

Publicacions recents

Characterizing and Mitigating Timing Noise-Induced Decoherence in Single Electron Sources

Sungguen Ryu, Rosa López, Llorenç Serra, David Sánchez, Michael Moskalets
Physical Review B 109, 165306 (1-11) (2024)

Quantum Transport in Mesoscopic Systems

Sánchez, D.; Moskalets, M.
Entropy 22, 977 (1-4) (2020)

Probing the energy reactance with adiabatically driven quantum dots

Ludovico, M. F.; Arrachea, L.; Moskalets, M.; Sánchez, D.
Physical Review B 97, 041416(R) (1-6) (2018)

Periodic Energy Transport and Entropy Production in Quantum Electronics

Ludovico, M. F.; Arrachea, L.; Moskalets, M.; Sánchez, D.
Entropy 18, 419 (1-19) (2016)

Periodic Energy Transport and Entropy Production in Quantum Electronics

Ludovico, M.F.; Arrachea, L.; Moskalets, M.; Sánchez, D.;
Entropy 18 (11), 419(1-19) (2016)

Projectes de recerca recents i vigents


Maria de Maeztu 2023-2026

I.P.: Ernesto Estrada, Ingo Fischer, Emilio Hernández-García, Rosa Lopez, Claudio Mirasso, Jose Javier Ramasco, Raúl Toral, Roberta Zambrini
After 15 years of its existence, IFISC can point to a proven track record of impactful research. The previous 2018-2022 MdM award has significantly enhanced the institute's capabilities, as demonstrated by an ...

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