Short Bio and Interests:
I am
Ramón y Cajal tenure-track researcher at IFISC since January 2023. Previously, I was Juan de la Cierva Incorporacion fellow (2021-2023). Before coming back to Spain, I was
ESQ Postdoc at
IQOQI Vienna (2020-2021) and Postdoc at
ICTP Trieste (2018-2020) funded by
Scuola Normale Superiore. I obtained my PhD in Physics from
Universidad Complutense de Madrid in July 2017, followed by a short Postdoc at IFISC (2017-2018).
My research interests cover different topics related to quantum and stochastic thermodynamics, open quantum systems, quantum information theory, as well as the foundations of nonequilibrium statistical physics and quantum mechanics. I am particularly interested in new ideas for the application of concepts in nonequilibrium thermodynamics to describe and analyze classical and quantum complex systems. My research has been mostly developed on the theoretical side, but in the last years I gained interest in experimental physics through collaborations with colleagues.
Recent key publications:
+ Quantum thermodynamics under continuous monitoring: A general framework. G. Manzano and R. Zambrini, AVS Quantum Science, 4 025302 (2022).
+ Non-Abelian Quantum Transport and Thermosqueezing Effects, G. Manzano, J. M. R. Parrondo, and G. T. Landi, PRX Quantum 3, 010304 (2022).
+ Thermodynamics of Gambling Demons. G. Manzano, D. Subero, O. Maillet, R. Fazio, J.P. Pekola, and É. Roldán. Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 080603 (2021). [Editors' Suggestion and Featured in Physics]
Research profile in arXiv and Google Scholar.