Cooper pair splitter in a photonic cavity: Detection of Andreev scatterings

  • IFISC Seminar

  • Bogdan Bulka
  • Institute of Molecular Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan, Poland
  • 29 de maig de 2024 a les 14:30
  • IFISC Seminar Room
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  • Announcement file

In last decades a great technological progress has been made in construction quantum computers, in particular in hardware based on superconducting qubits. This lecture will show that some of technological achievements in superconducting quantum electrodynamic (QED) circuits can be applied to study exotic condensed matter states in nanostructures. 

My interest is focused on electronic dynamics in mesoscopic circuits investigated by means this new technique.  I will show how to model such systems, coupled to a cavity quantum electrodynamic circuits, and derive their radiative responses by means of the Green function technique. A Cooper pair splitter attracted a lot of interest as the solid state setup to test entanglement of electrons. I will present modelling of the splitter in nonequilibrium conditions (for a whole bias voltage range) and spectral analysis of the cavity radiative response.  


Presential in the seminar room. Zoom stream:

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Tobias Galla

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